I am a Year 8 learner in Room 2 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher is Ms. Tapuke.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
The Amazing Girbbles
Task Description: Today we were reading about the amazing gribbles it was fun reading this book because it about the robot and fun thing so I hope you guys were read this book as well when you have time.
Friday, 22 November 2019
Recount writing
Your Task: Recount your time at Rainbow’s End of the Year 8 Activity Day. What did you enjoy? What was something funny or weird that occurred?
On Wednesday morning team 5 have lots of different things to do. First thing we did was our normal day and after that the year 7 are waiting for their bus to come because they are going to rainbow end and the year 8 are at school doing lots of fun things, the year 8 did quiz and we also sing while the year 7 gone the year 8 are doing lots of fun things like art and sing.
On Wednesday morning the year, 7 students are going to rainbow end but there have to wait for the bus to arrive at 9.45. When the year 7 left the building, year 8 is at school it was very fun having only year 8 at school because it a small group we did lots of fun things while year 7 is gone. The year 8 did a quiz about songs the teacher gives us the question and we have to answer the one that we know the groups have four people each and we only allow to have 3 Chromebook. It was very fun we also get a point for the groups get the most answer carrot, Other game we played what Mrs. Tapuka have to open a song and we need to listen the part that she stop and we have to try and finished the lyrics by writing on the paper but some groups went up to sing and some didn't one to go up and sing it was very funny how people were singing and laughing and dancing. The last thing we did was art we do art because next year the year 8 won't be here because we are going to college so we want to make something to left it at school for the people to see and to also remind us what we have done in year 8 at pt England school. I enjoy doing the quiz and art when the groups start singing it was very funny because they were laughing and dancing also it was so fun when we were doing the art.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
New Scooter
Task Description: This week in room 2 for maths. We needed to explain our maths thinking
and sharing our ideas for our problem we were working on and trying to find a solution.
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Reading Emotions in a Play
Task Description: This is our reading presentation from last week and we are expressing our emotions with 8 different emojis and also choosing 4 positive and 4 negative. Hope you enjoy looking at this.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Keyhole Narrative
Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Emma. Emma was playing with her toys and her mother called her cause it what time for dinner, Emma lock her room and went downstairs to go eat. After Emma finish eating she went back upstairs she had 10 keys she opened the door but the keys didn’t work for her room. Emma was trying to work out all the keys she needed to put through the door hole. When Emma was putting the 10 keys in the keyhole. When Emma was setting up the keys Emma was missing one of the keys, that was the only key to open the door hole. After Emma was searching she then went outside to look for the keys that she need for her room, Emma keeps on searching, Emma search through the garden looking near the flowers THERE WAS NOTHING. Emma needed some help she called out to her mother to help find the key when Emma was looking she falls over something really hard but when she was getting up Emma saw something shiny in a hole that was hidden with the leaves. Emma put her hand through the hole to see if that was the last key, she then grab the shining thing that was shining in Emma eyes when Emma was pulling out the stuff from the hole she was so surprised that she had found the missing key that was lost. Emma ran into the house to put through the last missing key, She then went in her room she was so happy she is back in her room again.
Narrative writing plan
Task Description: This week's task was based on planning before we write our narrative meaning to sort out our characters, setting and whats our problem and resolution. This was a short task we had to plan out before writing. The writing that I will be writing is a Narrative writing.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Choose It Narrative
Once upon a time, there was a poor little boy called Lucas. One day Lucas went to the supermarket to buy something for his mum because Lucas mum is very sick, when he arrived at the market he decides to do a dance show to get more money so he put his hat down and start dancing lot of people come and watch Lucas dance some people throw money into the hat.
After Lucas finished dancing he had a lot of money so he decides to go back home and tell his mum when Lucas was walking back home he saw an old man sitting behind the tree so Lucas went up to the old man and start asking questions, Lucas asks the old man to help his mum and the old man said to Lucas here little boy you can have these magical beans make sure to keep them very safe.
Lucas when home to show his mum the money and the magical beans when he arrived home he takes all the money out of his pocket and the magical beans. Lucas mum was shaking she was so angry about the beans and the money she thinks that Lucas has stolen the money from someone else.
Lucas tries to explain to his mum but she won't listen to him so she throws the magical beans out of the window. And tell Lucas to go to his bad and sleep on that night Lucas what thinking what can he do to make his mother feel better. When Lucas and his mum wake up in the morning there was a big beans tree outside their house.
Lucas said oh mum I go climb the tree and see what is on top of the tree, so Lucas climb and climb when he reaches the top of the tree he saw a big castle so he decides to go and see what is inside the castle, Lucas knocked on the door and the giant lady open and said “what do you want little boy” i and so hungry said Lucas I didn't eat anything for breakfast may i please have something to eat, the giant lady give Lucas an English breakfast when the giant lady heard a loud voice and she put Lucas inside a box, Fee, fau, fum, I smell the blood of an English man, Be alive, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread. Lucas stay very quiet and the giant said get me my money.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
The Museum and the Winter gardens
Last week on Friday team 5 went to the Museum, When the bell ring we all have to sit down in the street and Mrs. Tele' a was explaining what is going to happen and that we had to show what awesome looks like. We had to hop on the bus at 9 clock.
When we arrived at the Museum we then had to sit and listen to the teachers after that the KPMG people came to help us first thing was Mrs. Tele' a called all the groups to let us know who will be our adult. There were four people in my group that were, Nasibah, Maria, Lucy.
Once we had known our adult we got to travel around level 1 and on level 1 there was a marae on level 1 we needed to take our shoes off when we step in the marae to show our respects to the place we were in, after we finish going to the mar we started to explore the Maori culture where there was craves that had Maori pattern after we went to the Maori culture area.
We were still on level 1 there were different kinds of things in the museum. When we were walking we went to the volcano area where there were a lot of volcanoes and eruptions happening there was a room where you can feel what happens when there is a real volcano eruption that happens in life.
After we had a feed for morning tea we went back to go on level 2 for our next step when we went up there were a lot of things interesting things we haven't seen before there were names from the people that were involved in the army it was the mo moral section. It was full of army stuff like other countries that were in the war. All types of guns and items used in the war was in the room behind glass.
After 20 mins break we had the opportunity to visit the winter gardens. This was basically a big covered centre type of shade that had all these beautiful flowers and plants.
On the second we were not able to view everything as it was scorching hot. We came back to sit down we first thank the KPMG team and after that Mrs. Tele'a called out the class that will be going into the bus.
When we arrived at the Museum we then had to sit and listen to the teachers after that the KPMG people came to help us first thing was Mrs. Tele' a called all the groups to let us know who will be our adult. There were four people in my group that were, Nasibah, Maria, Lucy.
Once we had known our adult we got to travel around level 1 and on level 1 there was a marae on level 1 we needed to take our shoes off when we step in the marae to show our respects to the place we were in, after we finish going to the mar we started to explore the Maori culture where there was craves that had Maori pattern after we went to the Maori culture area.
We were still on level 1 there were different kinds of things in the museum. When we were walking we went to the volcano area where there were a lot of volcanoes and eruptions happening there was a room where you can feel what happens when there is a real volcano eruption that happens in life.
After we had a feed for morning tea we went back to go on level 2 for our next step when we went up there were a lot of things interesting things we haven't seen before there were names from the people that were involved in the army it was the mo moral section. It was full of army stuff like other countries that were in the war. All types of guns and items used in the war was in the room behind glass.
After 20 mins break we had the opportunity to visit the winter gardens. This was basically a big covered centre type of shade that had all these beautiful flowers and plants.
On the second we were not able to view everything as it was scorching hot. We came back to sit down we first thank the KPMG team and after that Mrs. Tele'a called out the class that will be going into the bus.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Complex sentences
Task Description: Today Room 1 is learning how to write a complex sentence.To write a complex sentence you need to have independent sentences and dependant sentences you add them both together and it makes a complex sentence.A dependant sentence is a sentence that can't be a sentence by its self. Independent sentences can be a sentence by its self.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Genomics fun
Today is a genomics fun day. In week 3 team 5 has been learning about genomics, and we also invited 2 schools to join us the names are Glen Innes & Glen brae when they arrive at Pt England school. Mr. Burt has to come to team 5 and he introduced himself to everyone that didn't know him. After Mr. Burt have talked to the school Glen Innes & Glen brae needed to put into a groups that was mix with Pt England seniors Yr 8 & Yr 7 when they were getting put in groups we then went back to our classrooms, after we went, the other students came and sat in a spot where nobody was sitting.
When they sat down in-group we needed to introduce ourselves about what's is our names and what we enjoyed about learning genomics. We then had a team quiz when everyone needed to stand up if they had an answer to the questions that we're answering, we then went back to the classroom to answer the question we needed to go to the table that was in the middle of the street, so that we can give them the answer that we needed to answer as a group each person needed to go if they had an answer to the questions.
When it was finish we learnt a lot about genomics with the other schools they had a DNA model that was made out of lollies and sticks it was cool when she twist it because the DNA look real like the real DNA, after they announced the winner about who got the highest points for the question that answered there was 2 tied teams they both got a prize the other ones get a poster and a different prize than when they were giving the prize then they went back to their school when it was over.
When they sat down in-group we needed to introduce ourselves about what's is our names and what we enjoyed about learning genomics. We then had a team quiz when everyone needed to stand up if they had an answer to the questions that we're answering, we then went back to the classroom to answer the question we needed to go to the table that was in the middle of the street, so that we can give them the answer that we needed to answer as a group each person needed to go if they had an answer to the questions.
When it was finish we learnt a lot about genomics with the other schools they had a DNA model that was made out of lollies and sticks it was cool when she twist it because the DNA look real like the real DNA, after they announced the winner about who got the highest points for the question that answered there was 2 tied teams they both got a prize the other ones get a poster and a different prize than when they were giving the prize then they went back to their school when it was over.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
German Folk Dancing
German Folk Dancing
In term 4 for this term, it was dancing and drama in team 5 block all the classes were rotating to all the classroom 2 went to room 1 when room 2 went to room 1 our theme was German folk. After when we arrive in room 2 we watch a short film about German folk dance. On day 2 we went back to room 1 Mrs. Moala wasn’t in class so we had Mr. Hughes in our class he told us to practice our dance moves we then were practising after he told some of us to show the dance moves. I found out that while one group has their hands up the other group's will be down and vice versa. The dance was kinder hard at first for A but we got used to it then the B, one was kinder confusing for A. but B got their one right because they weren’t that confusing for them.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Sake's Adventure
Task Description: Hi my name is Thet Htar Today me and my groups we learn about Sake's Adventure one of us have different characters, we talk about what is happening in the story and we tell each other our ideas.
Friday, 18 October 2019
Being a Good Daughter
What is like to be a good daughter? In order to be a good daughter it is important to be very helpful to your elders, being responsible, and having a strong relationship with your parents.
What is like to be a good daughter? To be a good daughter it is important to be very helpful to your elders, being responsible, and having a strong relationship with your parents.
To be a good daughter you need to respect your parents and also you need to help them. Make sure that you do all your chores without your parents having to remind you. Beyond that, take on extra responsibilities, as well. For example, clean not only your room but the common areas like the living room and dining room.
Being a good daughter is understanding your parents about their relationships by giving your parents some time out. You could take care of your siblings when your parents are busy. This will give them more time to relax. When your parents are giving you advice or just sharing information with you, take heed and listen to what they have to say.
Your parents are some of the most important people in your life, and being a good daughter to them is likely a goal of yours. Maybe you already have a strong relationship with your parents but are looking to improve it. For example, perhaps you haven’t been all that good lately and want to show your parents a different side of you. Whatever the case, you can be a good daughter by being responsible, kind, and open with your parents.
So now that you’ve read my story are you being a good daughter. Your parents have given you a lot of experiences that you haven’t had yet, so respect their knowledge. Use their advice in your life so you can avoid mistakes they made and take responsibility as well, what can you change to be a good daughter.
To be a good daughter you need to respect your parents and also you need to help them. Make sure that you do all your chores without your parents having to remind you. Beyond that, take on extra responsibilities, as well. For example, clean not only your room but the common areas like the living room and dining room.
Being a good daughter is understanding your parents about their relationships by giving your parents some time out. You could take care of your siblings when your parents are busy. This will give them more time to relax. When your parents are giving you advice or just sharing information with you, take heed and listen to what they have to say.
Your parents are some of the most important people in your life, and being a good daughter to them is likely a goal of yours. Maybe you already have a strong relationship with your parents but are looking to improve it. For example, perhaps you haven’t been all that good lately and want to show your parents a different side of you. Whatever the case, you can be a good daughter by being responsible, kind, and open with your parents.
So now that you’ve read my story are you being a good daughter. Your parents have given you a lot of experiences that you haven’t had yet, so respect their knowledge. Use their advice in your life so you can avoid mistakes they made and take responsibility as well, what can you change to be a good daughter.
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
What is means to be a good role model
What is means to be a good role model
To be a good role model you need to be someone who is hard-working, confident. When you want to be a good role model you need to respect other people and encourage them to work harder and tell them that they can do it and never give up but it’s best to be positive all the time, being a role model you have to be confident and face the challenges in life. For example, when you see someone that not confident to do something just go to them and tell them that everyone is different and encourages them to make them feel confident and happy.
A role model is a person you admire and would like to emulate. Usually, you want to be like this person because you like the way the person lives his or her life. A role model does not have to be a famous person or a superhero. It could be a relative or friend who has accomplished things you wish to accomplish. Your role model might be your grandmother, your neighbour, your teacher, or someone else you know.
Having role models in our life is very important, and having good role models is more important, as they influence what we do and how we turn out eventually.
A good role models are the types of people who encourage, motivate and respect other people. Good role models encourage others to never ever give up, they motivate people to strive and succeed, respect their peers and treat others the way they want to be treated. For example one of my role models is my grandmother. My grandmother has always encouraged and motivated me throughout my life at school. My grandmother has always encouraged me and told me that I should never give up the things I do and achieve.
A role model is a person you admire and would like to emulate. Usually, you want to be like this person because you like the way the person lives his or her life. A role model does not have to be a famous person or a superhero. It could be a relative or friend who has accomplished things you wish to accomplish. Your role model might be your grandmother, your neighbour, your teacher, or someone else you know.
Having role models in our life is very important, and having good role models is more important, as they influence what we do and how we turn out eventually.
A good role models are the types of people who encourage, motivate and respect other people. Good role models encourage others to never ever give up, they motivate people to strive and succeed, respect their peers and treat others the way they want to be treated. For example one of my role models is my grandmother. My grandmother has always encouraged and motivated me throughout my life at school. My grandmother has always encouraged me and told me that I should never give up the things I do and achieve.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Onion cell
Today in room 2 class we learnt how to draw the onion cell, This is an onion cell underneath a microscope. We together watched a video and then we were sent of to do a observe what we had seen. this is my drawing about the kinds of cells from my drawing that i have finish everyone was learning how to draw the onion cell in the right way, we needed to draw straight we weren't allowed to sketch.
Life's a stage
Today we had a team school assembly, first thing was Mr Burt star talking and he tells us
this term is going to be amazing because we are going to do dancing, drama, actors and
the topic for term 4 is life’s a stage. Team 1 teachers show was from the Cinderella movies.
They did a very beautiful dance and they also did an amazing actors, there are 4 mean
step sisters and there a Cinderella who always have to clean and the one who takes care
of everything. Cinderella want to go to the bow dance but the 4 step sisters was so mean
to her they say that she can not dance but when Cinderella ghost mother came Cinderella
ghost mother turn the 4 step sisters in to a frogs. It’s about how we all are going to
express our emotions and act a bit moody this term. My favourite part about the immersion
assembly was when Mr.Somerville came driving down the hall on a scooter, It was really
funny. it’s to keep going in my learning, so whenever I lose control of working and get
distracted, I will try to finish it off with the time I have left.
Thursday, 10 October 2019
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Patterns 3
WALT: using rules to describe patterns.
Task Description
Hi my name is Thet Htar Today in room 2 maths we are learning about patterns what we have to do it we have to add the number and we have to make the same patterns by adding.
Attitude talk with Toni
Attitude talk with Toni
After lunch Toni came to our school. Toni was talking about how our attitude has been going ever since Toni talked about our friendship after that he started to shared about his life. We were talking about attitude talk with Toni then he showed us some pictures from the slide the first pictures he shows what social media what was the under age for social media apps, he tells us we can only have our own account when we turn 13 years old, but we need to make sure our parents know what we are doing in our phone like Instagram, Snap chat, Twitter, Skype, Tik tok all this thing it for teenagers not for kids. The next slide he showed us was trolls it about how we treat people online chats and comments you don’t say bad things to people if they text you or say something that you don't like just don’t text them back. The next slide was about phones Toni said that there is a bad side of having phone and there are also good sides of having phone. The bad side of having phone is when you don’t know someone text you or called you, but the good thing having a phone is you can call your parents you can also call someone when you need help. Sometimes having phones are hard because people called you when you are asleep, they can also text you even when you are working it kind of annoying.
Figurative Language Game
WALT: gain an understanding of figurative language.
Task description:Today room 1 literacy were playing a online game that was fun to use and was easy to get eaten on to easy but you have a question when you get eaten and that is what happens.If you get it wrong more than 4 times in a row you die but if you get it right then you don't die you can go look for the next animal.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Plant Cells
Task description: In class we were working on plant cells about what was the
meaning behind the words and what they meant, and this will help you about what
i had learnt.
meaning behind the words and what they meant, and this will help you about what
i had learnt.
Monday, 23 September 2019
Number 28 Creative Writing
Number 28
Write a story using the picture above as inspiration. Is this the beginning of the story or the end? Where is Number 28 going and why? Who is Number 28? What is Number 28 walking toward? What is Number 28 leaving behind?
Be creative ...is it real life or fantasy? Sad or funny? Scary or possibly true?
Who: metallic monster
Where: House/road
When: 2012 to 2015
Hook: Number 28 checking in.
His footsteps thundered down the road, causing passers by to stare in amazement, dogs to howl in backyards and alarmed when the old ladies see the metallic monster she looks so scared. His legs were as long as oak trees, his torso was as wide as a house and his fists were as heavy as tractors this metallic monster meant business.“Number 28 checking in. He lifted his head in confusion, needing to ascertain. But he had to make sure. He didn’t. But he wanted to. He looks around the street, He couldn’t be sure what to do in that moment when everyone open their light he got very shook and didn’t move at all he trying to stay still so the people won't know that he a metallic monster. And also he very need to finish the number 28 checking in but he needs to wait for the people to close their light and go to sleep. After 30 minute everyone went to sleep and he was very happy to finish the number 28 that he needed to check in.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Task description: We were working on zebra fish about some information we
were writing about what we understand about the topic we were give to.
What's Inside a cell
Task description: What is inside a cell we started to ask questions about what kinds
of name cells there were in DNA and at the end we were wondering about some questions
Nerve cells
Task description: In room 2 we were looking at nerve cells we needed to answer some questions
about nerve cells there was some question we new about when we watch a video about nerve cells.
Body Cells Blood
Task description: Today in room 2 we were studying about body cells blood
about what kinds of DNA are in the bloods. There is some information that
may surprise you about whats in the blood cells.
How to be responsible
Be clever! Hook your reader
How to be responsible
Make your statement. Be clear about your focus.
Being responsible is very important for parents as well but being a child has a lot of responsibility to keep your life straight for your education. Also showing your manners to elders and also little kids as well.
1st element
Idea 1
In the future it’s going to be hard to take responsible you will need to take care of everything, like your Phone, House, Job, Food, Everything. it's really hard for your parents because they need to be responsible for your safety.
2nd element
Idea 2
Being responsible is very important in life because you need to learn these stages so that you can get a better education, and also for your job. Stop making excuses for yourself. And if you make a mistake, own up to it.
3rd element
Idea 3
Responsible is a skill, you learn it, However there are different ways of doing so. You shape your personality with your actions. For example, it is you who chooses to be lazy or to get up early every day, or if you want to save money or spend it recklessly. It is about proving to yourself that you can be, and that who you are.
4th element
Idea 4
To be responsible for kids and an older person can help empty the dishwasher and teach them how to clean, also how to look after their things.
There you have it - 4 reasons as to
-that will help you
-for you to try...
To be responsible is very hard in your life because you need to learn these stages so that you can get a better education, Also for your job and for school.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Thursday, 12 September 2019
What's inside a cell
Task Description Today in room 2 we are learning about what inside a cell and we have to write about it by looking at the picture and also we have to add the name inside the cells what it called.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Mihi and Karakia
Task Description : In year 8 Rotation we are learning how to do our Mihi and Karakia so if you guys want to learn just click where is show you the voice.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Friday, 30 August 2019
Explanation Writing,Thesis statement
Task Description : Today in room 1 literacy we are learning to how to write thesis statement and Explanation writhing.
Monday, 26 August 2019
Recognize how advertisements use persuasion.
Task Description: This week I have had to get into a buddy of 3-4 people, but I've only had Hope as my buddy. So in me and my buddies we had to make a commercial, and thinking one has to be the closest to being an advice video, but the video had to be about something to relate to school, and we have chosen "Respect". And this the finishing process of the video.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Task Description: Today in room 2 INQUIRY we were getting information
about zebra fish about how they form into a adult for a short while and about
where they normally stay.
Task Description : Today in room 2 we are learning about octopuses and cephalopods
their is so much information about the DNA about the octopus and the cells in the octopus
their is interesting facts about what you don't know about these creatures.
10 facts about octopus
Today in room 2 we watch a video about octopus and we have to write to write 10 thing what we about octopus.
Sports Shed
Task description : This week in room 2 for maths we were trying to work out a problem that our teacher
has give for us. And in these slides it will show you what we did in our groups and what
we have learned.
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Mince Gravy with Potato Salad
STEP 1 - Boil the potato until it is cooked.
STEP 2 - Fry the mince with onion add 1 cup of Bistro and flour.
STEP 3 - Serve with potato salad.
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Persuasive Advertisements
Task Description : Today we are learning to recognize how advertisements use persuasion . By learning how to Recognize on how advertisements use persuasion we are given 4 advertisements to talk about in this presentation .
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
AL87 Game and Puzzles
Task Description: I work on volume. I learnt that volume is like area, but it is on 3D shapes, not 2D. This is my maths thinking including some of the explanation about the maths work about the problem we were working on this week.
Butter Chicken - Tech Tamaki

Today for tech we are cooking, this will be our second to last cooking session with Mrs. Tuipulotu so I am trying to make the most of these last two sessions. As always I was partnered with Kalita. I will leave her blog address below so you can visit her amazing content. We made together delicious butter chicken. These are the instructions below feel free to customise it to your desire.
- Onion
- Chicken
- Butter Chicken Sauce
- Spices
- Cream
The first thing we did was cut the onion, bring your pan to a boil and start cooking your onions. Mrs. Tuipulotu made our cream sauce so all we did was take our bowls to her. She mixed Chicken Sauce, Spices and Cream to the mixture. Then we took our bowls and brought them our pan. We then stirred it. Miss Tuipulotu already made the rice before so we were lucky After that we put it on the plate and we are finally finished.
Monday, 12 August 2019
School Hours Persuasive
Do you believe our school should be long enough?
Persuasive writing helps students formulate specific reasons for their opinions, and provides an
opportunity to research facts related to their opinions.I believe school should be longing, for
example some students need more time to learn.Some students like coming to school because
they want more education. Education is very important as this because education gives people
the knowledge and skills they require. for them to learn how to speak and to write.The first
reason why we should go to school is because school help us, for example, if the teacher asks
students what career they would like to pursue when they grow older. And also why we go to
school is because school helps develop networking and social skills. School is very important
because it gives students the building blocks necessary to do many things. Critically analyse
read, perform mathematical functions, write. Without These building blocks students would not
understand some of the things necessary in everyday life.Some students just stay home and not
doing any learning if students don't want to go to school they don’t understand anything and if
they want to be a doctor or a police they can’t because they don’t know what to write and how
to read, so that why students should go to school. School is very important for example if
students come to school they get to see a lot of interesting stuff and learn new skills. Why do
students need homework? Homework helps to reinforce learning and develop good study
Homework allows parents to be involved with their child's learning.
opportunity to research facts related to their opinions.I believe school should be longing, for
example some students need more time to learn.Some students like coming to school because
they want more education. Education is very important as this because education gives people
the knowledge and skills they require. for them to learn how to speak and to write.The first
reason why we should go to school is because school help us, for example, if the teacher asks
students what career they would like to pursue when they grow older. And also why we go to
school is because school helps develop networking and social skills. School is very important
because it gives students the building blocks necessary to do many things. Critically analyse
read, perform mathematical functions, write. Without These building blocks students would not
understand some of the things necessary in everyday life.Some students just stay home and not
doing any learning if students don't want to go to school they don’t understand anything and if
they want to be a doctor or a police they can’t because they don’t know what to write and how
to read, so that why students should go to school. School is very important for example if
students come to school they get to see a lot of interesting stuff and learn new skills. Why do
students need homework? Homework helps to reinforce learning and develop good study
Homework allows parents to be involved with their child's learning.
Friday, 9 August 2019
Origins of Life
Today in class we have to write about us and where we come from and also we have to write about our genomics, and we watched a video about the origins of life.💦
Thursday, 8 August 2019
The Fragile Web of Life
Today in class we watched a video about the fragile web of life and also watching about
animals and how people are still cutting trees. and also why people are still cutting shark fins to eat when we have other food to eat. in these slides it will show what we were doing in class and what we learned.
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Mice Wrap - Tech Tamaki
Making Mince Wraps Cooking with Miss Tuipulotu 🍳
Today in cooking class, we made Mince wraps. As always my wonderful partner was Kalita I was very excited to go back to cooking class because I was actually hungry and I was looking forward to what we were going to be making? We made delicous Mince Wraps and as I am writing this the wraps are cooking in the oven right now. Here are the ingredients and instructions to make the Mince wraps feel free to customize the wraps to how you feel.
Step 1 - Dice the onion and fry it with the mince until nice and cooked
Step 2 - As a sauce we mix flour and water together and then gradually add the mixture to the pan
Step 3 - Grab your pastry and slice it into quaters
Step 4 - Add your cooked mince and cheese to your pastry then put it into the oven.
Friday, 2 August 2019
Vegetables Gardens
Task Description: This is my maths thinking including some of the explanation
about the maths work about the problem we were working on this week.
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